Russtin and Sammy | Family Session | Grayslake Family Photographer
I’m not holding back on this post, so get ready. Dogs are just as important as humans. All animals at that, period. I consider my dogs my children, I don’t care what anyone says. I love and care for them just as much as someone would love and care for their human children. Families come in all different shapes, sizes, colors, and species. Whoever you love and cherish, that is your family. For a lot of people, dogs are their family, and are treated as such, as they should be! I’ve been having more and more clients coming to me for sessions with them and their dogs, and it literally makes my heart sing. BUT, when they inquire, they will say things like, “I don’t have any cute kids, but I have a dog.” As if I’ll be disappointed that they want to do a session with just them and their dogs, when it’s actually the opposite. Whatever your family looks like, you should take the time to commemorate it, capture memories, and cherish those you love. Dogs are sometimes only in our lives for a short time, but for them, you are their whole life. I know it’s such a corny saying, but I tear up every time I hear it, because it’s so true. You are their world. I am so proud of those around me who take such incredible care for their animals, and love them with their whole beings. I hope more of you will choose to photograph your pets and include them in everything you do!
This sweet girl Sammy is unfortunately in the beginning stages of kidney failure and has been Russtin’s baby for over a decade. They were both so sweet and Sammy had the best time. Russtin told me she normally doesn’t walk as long as she did, or have as much energy as she did for the session. It made me so happy that she loved her photo session and all the attention we gave her. I adore these two, and again am so proud of her for capturing her love for her baby.