Sophie Baron Photography Studio Tour | Photography Session | Buffalo Grove Family Photographer
Hi there! Whether you’ve been following my business from the beginning, or are brand new, you may or may not know that I do in fact have a studio space! I would technically consider this my second studio space. If you were one of the few lucky ones to experience my first space, you know this is a step up. Haha! Both spaces have been in my home, which helps to keep costs of sessions down as much as possible, as well as easy accessibility to the studio. I’ve lived here in the Buffalo Grove space for 2 years now, and I love it! When looking for a new home, the studio was one of the top things on my priority list. First of all, there are no stairs, which is super important for my new moms and especially cesarian moms. I didn’t want them to have to go up and down stairs after major surgery. The studio and a bathroom are also conveniently located right at the front door which is really nice for my clients. You don’t have to walk through my home to get to the studio!
While the studio isn’t huge, I make the most of the space and I can do a lot of different sessions in it! It is primarily used for newborn and sitter sessions, but I can also do head shots, family sessions, pajama sessions, etc.! The bed I use is inflatable so that it can be put up and taken down as needed. The studio can also be used as an AMAZING natural light studio in the afternoon, or a studio light studio when it’s gloomier outside or during off hours. I have sacrificed a lot by not making this room my bedroom because of how beautiful the light is in there! You’re welcome! ;) On a sunny day, I will just open up the double doors to the studio to see how beautiful it looks…this is true, just ask Jess!
As you’ll see, I have lots of wraps, blanket backdrops, headbands, and outfits for newborn sessions. I also keep newborn diapers, wipes, and brand new soothie pacifiers on hand so you don’t have to use your own. Not shown is my closet full of extra props such as baskets and bowls for newborns and sitters! Also right at the front door on the other side is my living room, which I open up to your spouse and other children to watch TV, read books, etc. during the session so they aren’t distracting, in the way, or BORED!
I love having the studio as an option for families who don’t want to do a newborn session in their home for whatever reason, during rainy days, or for people who simply want a studio session! The bed set up is one of my favorites because we can transform the room to look almost however you want! :)
I do have two Yorkshire Terriors, one is photographed in this post because she’s a HAM! I always ask clients before they arrive if they or their children are scared of dogs. If they are, I put them in the back of the house and they won’t bother us! They are hypoallergenic though, and only weigh in at 5 and 6lbs. :) On the topic of dogs, I totally welcome your dogs to the studio as long as they are okay with my dogs, and will for the most part behave at the studio!
At the end of the post I show examples of all the different types of sessions I can offer in this space!
Any questions about the studio?! Send me a message either on Instagram, Facebook, or e-mail me at !