The Allibalogun Birth | Home Water Birth Session | Chicago Family Photographer

“I photograph births.” Is always a funny thing to say and watch people’s reactions. It’s usually always the same reaction. “Why on earth would anyone want photos of THAT?!” Well, maybe it’s because I was raised in an open house with a mom who was regularly butt naked around my siblings and I, but I don’t understand the mindset of birth being something that shouldn’t be talked about or seen. I’ve seen my own birth on VHS many times throughout my life. For anyone who has seen a birth in real life, or given birth knows, it is absolutely insane and indescribable. The strength of women is simply amazing. I have always been intrigued by home and water births, and thought if I were to ever have a baby, that’s how I would wish to do it.

This birth was something I never could have ever imagined. It was a true celebration and family gathering. This family is chock full of strong, funny, and loving women who were all here to be supportive of Jeré in the birth of her third daughter. Jeré’s mother, grandmother, sisters, aunts, cousins, nieces, children, and of course, husband were all here for the birth. It was truly empowering to be around this many women coming together to get this baby into the world. Everyone was so warm and welcoming, I truly felt like a part of their family for these 12 hours. Aside from her family, she had me, a videographer, Jessica, a midwife, Corinne and assistant, and a wonderful doula, Isa.

I arrived at 4pm and didn’t leave until 4 or 5am. It was a long process, but once active labor began, it went very quickly, which was exactly what Isa said would happen. I don’t want to confuse the “quickness” with easy, because this was definitely not easy. I really can’t put a birth story into words, so if you have to ask again ‘why would you want photos of that?!’ then you’re missing the point. ;) Everything pertaining to the birth was done naturally and homeopathically. It will be hard to top this home birth experience, that’s for sure!

This is a large gallery of photos, but I just couldn’t bare to narrow it down anymore. Enjoy!


The Blythe / Miller Birth | Evanston Hospital Birth Session | Chicago Family Photographer


The Donatucci Family | Fall Family Session | Wheaton Family Photographer