The Blackshaw Family | Maternity Session | Wilmette Family Photographer
It took all of my energy to NOT post every single photo from this session on Instagram, Facebook and even in this blog! I met Jess at Core Power Yoga probably about 4 or 5 years ago!! She's one of those people that are just really easy to be friends with. She is absolutely hilarious, kind, and fun to be around. Jess and Nick definitely compliment each other beautifully and I'm so excited for them to welcome their first baby into the world!
We moved their session up 4 days because Jess was convinced she was going to pop any day, even with her due date being August 17th! The day of their shoot was sunny up until about 2pm, and then it started to get cloudy and sunny on and off. We were in contact and I was getting nervous, as I always do with the weather! We decided to go ahead and do the session, especially since she was convinced she was going to give birth any minute, and I didn't want to risk it. On my way to the beach, it was super sunny and perfect, but I did start to see some darker clouds to the southeast. Anyhow, it is what it is, right?! It wasn't your typical sun drenched sunset, it was better. The skies in these photos are 100% real, and not superimposed. I've never shot a session with the sky looking nearly this divine. I'm still not over it, and you shouldn't be either! I couldn't believe how beautiful it was in real life, and just hoped I could do it justice in photos. It looked and felt like Mexico, especially with how the waves were crashing. Lake Michigan felt more like the Atlantic Ocean!
They brought their beautiful 13 year old Husky, Achilles, and he was such a sweet baby. He is going through some health challenges, so please keep him in your thoughts!! After Jess changed into the second dress, she realized she forgot her undies in the car...Underwear is overrated anyways if you ask me... Jess' sweet friend Carla, who came along to help with Achilles and carrying the extra clothes, ran back to the car to get the undies. She came back winded, because she forgot the keys to the car. She ran back again and apparently must have dropped the undies on her way back the second time. Things happen, and it makes for a good story! We began shooting anyways, we made do with the pink ones Jess was wearing! As soon as we started shooting in the taupe slit dress, some random lady came up and started taking pictures of Jess with her phone without even was pretty weird. People are weird...
I'm so glad we decided on this taupe dress instead of the other 3rd option of a dress that was sort of similar to the first one. This dress matched the sky and the sand so perfectly, I can't handle it! Jess is just so stunning, and pregnancy looks dang good on her, don't you think?!
I can't wait to meet this little baby boy and photograph them in their new home with their new baby! Love you guys, thank you for giving me the opportunity to capture these moments in your life!