The Chislof Family | Family Session | Wilmette Family Photographer
I first met Candice when we both worked at the Lululemon Northbrook Court store back in 2014. I won’t lie, my first impression was that I was definitely intimidated by her perfect body and admittedly a little jealous. After working together for a while I learned a lot about her, and I admired her for more than just her physique. She’s an extremely hard worker and passionate about many different things. We both got put on the overnight shift for Black Friday, and I believe we were in that store from 9pm to 4am. Candice at the time not only worked at Lululemon, she was also a massage therapist, yoga instructor, and pastry chef. Oh and on top of all of that, trained for bikini body building competitions, which is a full time job all on its own. I somehow have a good amount of people close to me, including my sister, who compete in this sport. It’s no joke you guys. I have so much respect for these competitors. I know the sport doesn’t get nearly as much respect as it deserves. It’s the epitome of dedication. I could never do the food part. Haha! Hopefully this blog clears up all the questions and comments I’ll get about “she’s pregnant?! She looks ripped!” In case you are a curious person like me, don’t worry I’ll dive more into Candice’s lifestyle.
I followed along via social media for her pregnancy with Karma. Yes, her daughter’s name is Karma Gemini, and it suits her perfectly. I looked forward to the weekly photo Instagram updates. She was still just all baby, week after week, and one lean mean momma machine. I wasn’t surprised. Not even a little bit. She exercised and dieted, business as usual, all throughout her pregnancy and even immediately after having Karma. Heck, she even competed 17 weeks after giving birth, but was ready in 15 weeks!! Simply amazing. No one can reach their goals truly on their own. There are always people by our side cheering us on or helping out. For Candice, one of those people was, Jake Baumgartner owner of baumsquad fitness, who coached her to go from baby to stage!
Candice and Karma started a baking business called Karma’s Kreations and they make the most delicious treats! She made my girlfriend’s birthday cake last year and not only was it GORGEOUS, it was DELICIOUS. Jess (my girlfriend) loves space and the universe, so I had Candice make a galaxy cake, and it far exceeded my expectations. I’ll share a photo of it at the bottom of the blog! You can follow them on Instagram @KarmasKreations11 !!
Zach, Candice, and Karma are now expecting another little “crumb” as Candice refers to her as! Luna Wilde will make her appearance at the very end of this year or beginning of 2019! I truly admire and relate to Candice for the free spirited, creative person she is. I love when people pay attention to detail and are sentimental in the things they do. I think that’s why I’m so obsessed with following her life! She’s always doing something creative, sentimental, and everything ties together so cohesively, I just love it!!
I was so excited to take photos of these guys at the beach for sunset, which is something I've wanted to do with them for a while. Since they're such free spirits, it only makes sense! Gillson Park beach in Wilmette is my absolute favorite beach in Illinois to shoot at! The last time I saw Karma, not on Instagram, was for her 1st birthday party, so she's grown a bit! I swear this is one of the happiest kids I've ever seen. Unless you try to take her out of the water, then not so much! Her romper was cute and all, but there's no outfit cute enough that can top your birthday suit. As soon as she fell in the water once, and the romper was soaked, she wanted it off, and then proceeded to whip off her own diaper. Go girl! I'm a firm believer in letting kids be naked as much as possible. When else in your life can you be fully naked in public or outside, and no one bats an eye?! Let the kids run free!
Anyways, I just love this family and these photos are everythingggggg. Moana vibes, anyone?! I can’t wait to continue watching this family grow and evolve!
Additional photos at the end from Candice's journey from pregnancy to competition, as well as maternity, newborn, sitter, birthday party photos we've done together!

Cake photos by Giadore Photography