The Kamins Family | Maternity Session | Grayslake Family Photographer
Having a super weird day today!! Breaking lots of glass things, tending to an ant problem in my house, running into technical difficulties, wondering what all of these things mean in the universe. But, luckily I get to come back to my computer and share beautiful photos with the world, so that’s what gives me peace.
I know I share my sessions with Miss Kate a lot, but you would too if you got to photograph this beautiful girl all the time! She gave me quite the scare when her doctors made her go to the hospital on December 30th and told her she was having a baby. Why, you ask? Because we HADN’T TAKEN PHOTOS YET!! She was texting me back and forth, I was saying I was going to go get her dress, and bring it to the damn hospital to take these photos before her baby tries to come out. She told me if they let her leave for whatever insane reason, we were taking photos tomorrow (New Years Eve). I said, yes we are! And that’s what we did. She was having contractions and is 3cm dilated in these photos, and I couldn’t think of a more “Kate” way to do a photo shoot to be honest. For the record, she is still pregnant as of this blog post.
* If you don’t know Brad & Kate, they own Kamins Farm Sanctuary which is the most wonderful place on earth located right here in Grayslake, IL. They rescue farm animals {majority being goats} and let them live out their happy little lives in their care. They currently have about 100 animals, and are open to the public for pre-registered events and private events only. They are currently closed for a baby break, but follow along on Facebook and Instagram to see when they’ll re-open and also for cute animal photos!
Okay back to Kate. She has resumed life as usual all throughout her pregnancy, and that entails taking care of 100 animals day in and day out on their farm. So basically, a superhero. She says they best sleep she gets is on the goat barn floor snuggled up with some of her favorite pals, and you’ll find that to be true if you follow the farm on social media. We have become really great friends over the past year and a half, and if she gives half as much of herself to her baby as she does to her animals, Tulsa will be one lucky girl, although I know she will give all of herself to her baby and all of herself equally to the animals. I can’t wait to watch her be a human mommy and continue her crazy antics with Tulsa in tow!
Brad, the sweetest daddy to be, he actually picked out that Flamingo baby book you’ll see at the end of the blog, not long after he found out they were pregnant. He helps make all of Kate’s dreams come true and supports everything and anything she wants to do, and that’s really what your spouse should do. He was even such a good trooper for this photo shoot, without any liquid courage! ;) Can’t wait to see Brad be a dad just as much as Kate, a mom!
A few bonus photos and a video from when Kate revealed to Brad that she was pregnant!